Igår besökte Atlantkommittén Riga för intressanta möten och diskussioner med ett antal säkerhetspolitiska aktörer angående regional säkerhet, Nato och EU:s relation till Ryssland.
Ett av besöken skedde på lettiska UD som här rapporterar om vårt besök:
>Länk till Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
”On 5 October, the State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Andrejs Pildegovičs, met with a delegation from the Swedish Atlantic Council (Svenska Atlantkommittén). The meeting covered a broad range of topics: regional security, the status of implementation of decisions taken during NATO Wales Summit, the future of the Eastern Partnership policy, developments in Ukraine, and the EU’s policy toward Belarus. Andrejs Pildegovičs confirmed Latvia’s interest in the further development of partnership between Sweden and NATO since this fosters security in the Baltic Sea region.
The Swedish Atlantic Council is a non-governmental organisation. Its purpose is to promote debate on Euro-Atlantic security policy, with an emphasis on the role of NATO and the EU. The Council is a member of the Atlantic Treaty Association and its activities include publications, conferences, study trips and various events in Sweden and beyond.
During their stay in Riga, the Swedish security experts met both with public officials and members of NGOs. The group was headed by Göran Lennmarker, Chairman of the Swedish Atlantic Council.”
Möte med lettiska utrikesrepresentanter på UD i Riga
Atlantkommitténs delegation bestod av, från vänster, Jan Hyllander, Krister Andrén, Henrik Landerholm, Göran Lennmarker, Pål Jonson, Patrik Oksanen, Albin Aronsson, Alexander Ruckemann (ej i bild)
De lettiska värdarna bestod bland annat av Baiba Braže, Ambassador, Director General of Security Policy, State Secretary Andrejs Pildegovičs, Latvia Ministry of Foregin Affairs, Andrejs Grinaško, Counsellor of NATO and European Security Policy Division, Ivars Lasis, Director of Security Policy Department,
Lettlands utrikesdepartement i Riga